
b. 1986, HK.


Every science touches art at some points - every art has it’s scientific side.

~ Armand Trousseau


I am medical graduate born and brought up in India. As a child, I was fascinated by images and illustrations that appeared in newspapers. I would wonder that how simple representations could tell a vivid story. My grandmother being formally trained in Fine Arts is my first and only art guru. Although she introduced me to the mediums and basic techniques, yet at the same time she encouraged me to discover my own style. She emphasized that art should not be limited by the definitions of right and wrong. Therefore, I continue to explore art as I come across new concepts and artists.

My stay in Europe has enabled this beautiful exploration with museums like the Louvre Museum in Paris ; the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam and various Belgian art museums. As I am now in United States - the Tex-Mex art and culture amuses and inspires me. I hope to someday discover my own style but for the time being the journey itself is equally joyful and rewarding.